nuclease p1
nuclease p1

品牌:SIGMA品號:N8630品名:核酸酉每規格:1VLCAS:54576-84-0.NucleaseP1fromPenicilliumcitrinumlyophilizedpowder,>=200units/mgprotein(E1%/280, ...,.ItisusefulatremovingsinglestrandedstrandshangingofftheendofdoublestrandedDNAandatcompletelycleavingmelte...

Nuclease P1 (核酸酶P1) - 仅供科研| 核酸内切酶

NucleaseP1(核酸酶P1)是一种单链特异性核酸内切酶,它将核酸水解为5'-单核苷酸,并切割双链核酸的单链区域。NucleaseP1是分子生物学领域最著名的单链特异性核酸酶之 ...

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Nuclease P1 from Penicillium citrinum lyophilized powder, >=200 ...

品牌:SIGMA 品號:N8630 品名:核酸酉每規格:1VL CAS:54576-84-0. Nuclease P1 from Penicillium citrinum lyophilized powder, >=200 units/mg protein (E1%/280, ...

S1P1 nuclease (IPR003154) - InterPro entry - EMBL

. It is useful at removing single stranded strands hanging off the end of double stranded DNA and at completely cleaving melted DNA for simple DNA composition ...

Nuclease P1 - Penicillium citrinum | UniProtKB

Hydrolyzes only single-stranded DNA and RNA without apparent specificity for bases.

54576-84-0・Nuclease P1・145-08221[Detail ...

Nuclease P1 decomposes the 3'-5'-phosphodiester bond of RNA and heat denatured DNA. It also decomposes the 3'-phosphomonoester bond of mono-and oligonucleotides ...

P1 Nuclease - an overview

Nuclease P1 is frequently employed in the laboratory in the preparation of DNA for damage analysis. This endonuclease efficiently hydrolyzes single-stranded DNA ...

Nuclease P1

Nuclease P1 is a zinc-dependent single-strand specific nuclease which hydrolyzes 3'->5' phosphodiester bonds in RNA and ssDNA.

Nuclease p1 | Sigma

核酸酶P1 来源于桔青霉菌. 同義詞: 内切核酸酶P1. CAS No.: 54576-84-0 · N8630. lyophilized powder, ≥200 units/mg protein (E1%/280, 3′-5′-Phosphodiesterase).

Nuclease P1 (核酸酶P1) - 仅供科研| 核酸内切酶

Nuclease P1 (核酸酶P1) 是一种单链特异性核酸内切酶,它将核酸水解为5'-单核苷酸,并切割双链核酸的单链区域。Nuclease P1 是分子生物学领域最著名的单链特异性核酸酶之 ...

Nuclease P1

Nuclease P1 is a zinc-dependent single-strand specific nuclease which hydrolyzes 3'->5' phosphodiester bonds in RNA and ssDNA.

核酸酶P 1 来源于桔青霉菌 - Sigma

核酸酶P1用于提高基于32P标记进行DNA加合物检测方法的灵敏度。 该酶具有约70°C的最适温度,但低于60°C的温度对于更长时间的孵育更为合适。在pH 5 - 8范围内稳定。 该酶具有 ...


品牌:SIGMA品號:N8630品名:核酸酉每規格:1VLCAS:54576-84-0.NucleaseP1fromPenicilliumcitrinumlyophilizedpowder,>=200units/mgprotein(E1%/280, ...,.ItisusefulatremovingsinglestrandedstrandshangingofftheendofdoublestrandedDNAandatcompletelycleavingmeltedDNAforsimpleDNAcomposition ...,Hydrolyzesonlysingle-strandedDNAandRNAwithoutapparentspecificityforbases.,NucleaseP1decomposesthe3'-5'-phosphodiest...